Type specimens of family Acanthaceae kept in the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg State University (LECB) and in the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg Forest-Technical University (KFTA), St. Petersburg (Russia)


  • Vyacheslav Byalt Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, ul. Professora Popova, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation
  • Valentina Bubyreva Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Alexandr Potokin Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Institutsky per., 5, k. 4, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation
  • Larisa Orlova Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, ul. Professora Popova, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation


This article continues the series of publications devoted to collections of herbarium specimens kept in the Herbarium of St. Petersburg state University (LECB) and the Herbarium of I. P. Borodin in St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University (KFTA). Critical examination of family Acanthaceae in LECB identified 48 authentic specimens from 31 genera, while in KFTA 26 authentic specimens were found, belonging to the genera Acanthus L., Barleria L., Beloperone Nees, Brillantaisia P. Beauv., Buceragenia Greenm., Carlowrightia A. Gray, Dicliptera Juss., Dyschoriste Nees, Himantochilus T. Anderson, Isoglossa Oerst., Jacobinia Moric., Justicia L., Monechma Hochst., Ruellia L., Thunbergia Retz. and others. Information about the type specimens of family Acanthaceae in two University Herbaria of St. Petersburg can be useful for researchers of the family in the context of projects to study the flora of India, Africa and North America, as well as monographes of this group of plants and will allow to engage these unique herbarium collections in a broader scientific work. Refs 14.


herbarium, LECB, KFTA, systematics, vascular plants, family Acanthaceae, type specimens


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How to Cite

Byalt, V., Bubyreva, V., Potokin, A., & Orlova, L. (2015). Type specimens of family Acanthaceae kept in the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg State University (LECB) and in the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg Forest-Technical University (KFTA), St. Petersburg (Russia). Biological Communications, (2), 4–22. Retrieved from https://biocomm.spbu.ru/article/view/857



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