About the Journal

Biological Communications is a rebranded new title of the former journal «Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 3. Biology».

The journal was founded as «Vestnik of Leningrad University» in 1946. Since 1953, it was published under several series. In 1956 the series «Biology» was first established.
The journal achieved its modern title Biological Communications (previously it was known as «Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 3. Biology») and has become a genuinely international in 2017 due to the efforts of its first Editor-in-Chief — Yegor Borisovich Malashichev.
Volume numbering for Biological Communications starts from 62 given the history of the «Biology» series of Vestnik. As its predecessors, Biological Communications is published at a quarterly basis.

Aims and scope
Biological Communications publishes research from across all areas of the biological sciences, from classical disciplines such as botany and zoology to biotechnology and fundamental medicine, given the research is of high quality and might be interesting not only to narrow specialists, but to a broader auditorium. Some emphasis is given to rapidly developing fields: neuroscience and cognition; organismal and evolutionary biology; palaeontology; molecular, cell and developmental biology; genomics and proteomics; bioinformatics; classical ecology; marine and arctic research; mechanisms of diseases. In addition to being free to both authors and readers, Biological Communications is an open access and primarily online journal, which makes it particularly suited to research that requires high visibility due to its novel findings. Articles submitted to Biological Communications will benefit from its broad scope and readership and its dedicated media promotion. Our aim is to become the leading Russian journal in the field of life science, publishing both the best research from Russian institutions and attracting cutting edge research from around the globe.

Biological Communications is included in the list of the leading refereed academic journals and periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, assigned for publication of the key results of doctoral dissertations (including the both Russian doctoral degrees: the PhD and the Doctor of Biology).

Abstracting and Indexing
Articles of the journal are indexed by several systems: ScopusEBSCO, RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, East View, CyberleninkaeLIBRARY.ru, PublonsResearchGateBIOSIS PreviewsZoological Record, Biological AbstractsDimensions.

ISSN: 2542-2154 (print version), 2587-5779 (online version)

Saint Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg University Press
6th Line V.O., 11, Saint Petersburg, 199004, Russia
Director of the St. Petersburg University Press: Elena V. Lebedkina