Content of available forms of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in ornithogenic and other soils of the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Western Antarctica)


  • Evgeny Abakumov Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, 16th Liniya V. O., 29, Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation



Maritime Antarctica is an interesting object for soil scientists because most of them nowadays or recently were exposed to ornitogenic effect. Soils of the Fildes Peninsula have been investigated in terms of chemical composition and available nutrients concentration. Four groups of soils with various ornitogenic effect were selected for chemical analyses: current ornitogenic soils, soils of former birds habitats — organogenic mates, natural soils without current evident bird effect — Lithosols and Technosols. Ornitogenic effect is evident in soil formation in three types of soils investigated. The maximum effect of organic matter transportation and accumulation is pronounced in Ornitogenic soils and Organogenic mat. The last one are considered as recently been colonized by birds and this fact was the reason for initiation of formation of organogenic mats due to accumulation of nutrients. Some residual effect of birds can be revealed in Lithosols, where increased content of ammonium ions and available phosphorus was fixed. Thechnosols as soils constructed from local mineral grounds have no any evidences of ornitogenic accumulation. We suggest that, majority of soils, situated on Fildes peninsula recently were exposed to ornitogenic effect. Ornitogenic effect resulted in formation of modern soil cover of the Fildes Peninsula.


Antarctica, ornithogenic soils, nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium


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How to Cite

Abakumov, E. (2018). Content of available forms of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in ornithogenic and other soils of the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Western Antarctica). Biological Communications, 63(2), 109–116.



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