On the amphibian fauna of Tibet (A preliminary analysis)


  • Lev Borkin Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199164, Russian Federation
  • Spartak Litvinchuk Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Tikhoretskiy pr., Saint Petersburg, 194064, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7447-6691




Amphibian fauna of Tibet, including the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Southwest China (to the north of Jinsha River) as well as adjacent territories in the western Himalayas (Spiti Valley, eastern Ladakh) in India, consist of 93 species, 28 genera and 10 families of Caudata and Anura. The portion of endemic species is equal to 27 % of the total. In general, the fauna belongs to the Oriental Realm. Exceptions are the species distributed in the periphery of western (Ngari, Spiti), northern (Qangtang) and northeastern (Qinghai) parts of Tibet. The taxonomic and ecological diversity of amphibians is increased in the south-east, with the maximum in the Mêdog and Kham regions (Southwest China). However, many places of Tibet have never been examined by herpetologists. Therefore, it is very likely that new amphibian records and species might be found. Refs 12. Figs 1.


amphibians, zoogeography, the Oriental Realm, the Palearctic, Tibet


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How to Cite

Borkin, L., & Litvinchuk, S. (2016). On the amphibian fauna of Tibet (A preliminary analysis). Biological Communications, (3), 25–30. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu03.2016.305



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