Application of a new growth regulator for micropropagation of some species of Crataegus


  • Pavel Kirillov S. M. Kirov Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University, 5, Institutsky per., Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation
  • Lev Trofimuk JSC “All-Russian research Institute of paper”, 49, 2nd Murinsky pr., Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation



The paper presents the results of application of a new growth regulator for micropropagation of some species of the genus Crataegus. In the study we developed methods for microclonal propagation of Crataegus arnoldiana, C. dahurica, C. sanguinea, C. submollis, based on regeneration of plants from apical and lateral buds of the shoot. The hormonal composition of the nutrient medium not only affects the development of the sprout, but also on its morphometric parameters. At cultivation of buds with application of a new biostimulator an increase in number of escapes and interstices has been reached that has led to increase of coefficient of reproduction by 1,5–1,6 times in comparison with traditionally applied stimulators. Also when using a new biostimulator an increase in length of roots was recorded. During the research it was observed the formation of dense structure having morphogenic callus, which can serve as a good precondition for further somatic embryogenesis. Refs 17. Figs 3. Tables 4.


growth regulator, tissue culture, in vitro, Crataegus


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How to Cite

Kirillov, P., & Trofimuk, L. (2016). Application of a new growth regulator for micropropagation of some species of <em>Crataegus</em>. Biological Communications, (4), 62–75.



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