New data about nesting places and meetings of oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) territorial pairs in the eastern part of Gulf of Finland


  • Sergey Kouzov Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Features of spatial and biotopical distribution of the oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) in east part of the Gulf of Finland and on adjacent territories of the North West of Russia and their dynamics during the last decades are considered in this article. Data on new places of reproduction are provided. The analysis of long-term data shows that oystercatchers breed far not every year even on many sites with optimum conditions. It can be connected with features of reproductive behavior of the birds nesting at borders of its area, as well as with reproductional strategy of species nesting in unstable biotopes of open sand-stony beaches. On the one hand oystercatcher is very sensitive to a recreational human press and occupies the sites most seldom visited by people. On the other hand its reproduction may be successful in very small natural biotope with absent recreational loadings which can be in the close neighbourhood with places of a high anthropogenous press. It means that the network of small seasonal reservates can play the leading role in oystercatchers protection.


oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus, breeding, distribution, Gulf of Finland, ecology, biodiversity, conservation, Red Data List


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How to Cite

Kouzov, S. (2014). New data about nesting places and meetings of oystercatcher (<em>Haematopus ostralegus</em>) territorial pairs in the eastern part of Gulf of Finland. Biological Communications, (3), 31–39. Retrieved from



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