On the occurrence status of the Great Egret (Casmerodius albus L.) on the Kurgalsky Peninsula and adjacent areas of the eastern part of Gulf of Finland in the last decade


  • Sergey Kouzov Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article addresses the dynamics and spatial distribution of non-breeding great egret (Casmerodius albus L.) meetings in the eastern part of the Gulf of Filand and adjacent areas of the eastern Baltic and North-West Russia in the last decade. The exponential growth in the number of these birds encountered in the region in recent years was in sync with the wave of great egret expansion in the eastern Baltic. In recent years, the western coast of the Kurgalsky peninsula became an area of permanent stay of few birds in the post-breeding period, which allows us to change the status of the great egret in the area from a vagrant to a non-numerous but ordinary non-breeding species. The confinement of the vast majority of great egret meetings in the region to Kurgalsky peninsula is explained not only by landscape features and low recreational load but also by the existence of climatical border here. It has a key impact on the spread of a number of waterfowl on the southern shore of the eastern part of Gulf of Finland. Refs 36. Figs 3.


great egret, Cosmerodius albus, biodiversity, dynamics of spread, dynamics of bird fauna, distribution, vagrants, climate change


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How to Cite

Kouzov, S. (2015). On the occurrence status of the Great Egret (<em>Casmerodius albus</em> L.) on the Kurgalsky Peninsula and adjacent areas of the eastern part of Gulf of Finland in the last decade. Biological Communications, (1), 41–50. Retrieved from https://biocomm.spbu.ru/article/view/882



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