First findings of Spirogyra daedalea, S. dictyospora and S. rugulosa (Zygnematales) on the West Siberian Plain


  • Tatyana Sviridenko Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University, 22, ul. Energetikov, Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District — Ugra, Surgut, Tyumen Region, 628412, Russian Federation
  • Boris Sviridenko Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University, 22, ul. Energetikov, Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District — Ugra, Surgut, Tyumen Region, 628412, Russian Federation
  • Andrey Efremov Environmental Survey Department, Design Institute for Oil and Gas Projects Construction and Rehabilitation, 153/2, ul. Krasny Put, Omsk, 644033, Russian Federation
  • Yury Murashko Scientific Research Institute of the Ecology of the North, Surgut State University, 22, ul. Energetikov, Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District — Ugra, Surgut, Tyumen Region, 628412, Russian Federation



In 2014–2015 on the West Siberian Plain, fertile populations of 3 species of the genus Spirogyra (section Conjugata) new to this region were found: S. daedalea, S. dictyospora and S. rugulosa. The morphology of the vegetative cells and zygospores of the collected samples is briefly described, the ecological conditions in the habitats are characterized, and photos of Spirogyra daedalea (lateral conjugation), S. dictyospora (ladder-shaped conjugation) and S. rugulosa (ladder-shaped conjugation) are given. In total, in water bodies of the West Siberian Plain the authors found 16 species of the section Conjugata (Spirogyra bellis, S. crassa, S. daedalea, S. decimina, S. dictyospora, S. gracilis, S. hungarica, S. irregularis, S. maxima, S. mirabilis, S. neglecta, S. nitida, S. pellucida, S. rugulosa, S. setiformis, S. varians). Refs 18. Figs 3.


Zygnematales, Spirogyra, S. daedalea, S. dictyospora, S. rugulosa, fertile populations, West Siberian Plain


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How to Cite

Sviridenko, T., Sviridenko, B., Efremov, A., & Murashko, Y. (2016). First findings of <em>Spirogyra daedalea</em>, <em>S. dictyospora</em> and <em>S. rugulosa</em> (Zygnematales) on the West Siberian Plain. Biological Communications, (2), 100–106.



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