The study of plant adaptation to oxygen deficiency in Saint Petersburg University


  • Tamara Chirkova Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Vladislav Yemelyanov Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The first studies on plant anaerobiosis started at the Department of Plant Physiology at St. Petersburg University in the beginning of the XXth century, but interest in this subject became most intensive during the investigations of the ecological plant physiology group under the supervision of Prof. T. V. Chirkova. Their first step was focused on the mechanisms of transport of gases from the aerated aboveground part of the plant to the flooded root system. Further interest shifted towards clarifying the biochemistry of respiratory metabolism, pathways of reoxidation of the reduced cofactors, and protein and lipid metabolism of plants under anoxic conditions. The group’s studies have always distinguished the comparative approach, in which the changes taking place in plants differing in resistance to oxygen deficiency were analyzed. In many ways, this research was pioneering and was recognized throughout the world. For the first time the possibility of hydrogen peroxide formation in plants under total anoxia was demonstrated. The role of cell membranes in adaptation processes was revealed. Pioneering investigations distinguished the features of photosynthesis in an oxygen-free environment and the work of an antioxidant system under conditions of anoxia and post-anoxic oxidative effects. Now, the plant ecophysiology group of the Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of St. Petersburg State University concentrates on the mechanisms of anaerobic signal transduction and reveals how plant hormones regulate adaptation to anoxic and post-anoxic stresses.


oxygen deficiency, post-anoxic stress, plant respiration, fermentation, protein and lipid metabolism, reactive oxygen species, antioxidants


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Chirkova, T. V. 1975. Metabolizm etanola i laktata v tkanyakh drevesnykh rasteniy, razlichayushchikhsya po ustoychivosti k nedostatku kisloroda [Metabolism of ethanol and lactate in the tissues of trees with different resistance to oxygen deficiency]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 22(5):952–957.

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Chirkova, T. V., and Grevnina, G. S. 1982. Vliyanie anaerobnykh usloviy na funktsionirovanie glioksilatnogo tsikla v prorostkakh pshenitsy i risa [Influence of anaerobic conditions on the glyoxylate cycle in seedlings of wheat and rice]. Biological Communications (2):73–78.

Chirkova, T. V., and Gutman, T. S. 1972. O fiziologicheskoy roli chechevichek vetvey ivy i topolya v usloviyakh kornevogo anaerobioza [Physiological role of branch lenticels of willow and poplar under conditions of root anaerobiosis]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 19(2):352–359.

Chirkova, T. V., and Hoang, K. L. 1981. Elektroforeticheskie spektry tsitoplazmaticheskikh i mitokhondrial’nykh belkov korney pshenitsy i risa v usloviyakh anaerobioza [Electrophoretic patterns of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins in wheat and rice roots under anaerobiosis]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 28(1):136–143.

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Chirkova, T. V., and Petrova, V. N. 1971. Dykhanie i obmen organicheskikh kislot ivy i topolya v zavisimosti ot razlichnykh usloviy aeratsii [Respiration and organic acid metabolism of willow and poplar depending on different aeration conditions]. Biological Communications (1):98–106.

Chirkova, T. V., and Semenova, I. N. 1979. Vliyanie etanola na zhiznesposobnost’ rasteniy, razlichayushchikhsya po ustoychivosti k kislorodnomu defitsitu, i soderzhanie v ikh kornyakh belka [Effect of ethanol on viability of plants differing in resistance to oxygen deficiency and on protein content in their roots]. Fiziologiya i biokhimiya kul’turnykh rasteniy 11(1):18–23.

Chirkova, T. V., and Sokolovskaya, E. L. 1976. K voprosu o prichinakh vozrastaniya aktivnosti peroksidazy v kornyakh rasteniy v usloviyakh ogranichennoy aeratsii [To the question of the causes of increase in peroxidase activity in the roots of plants under limited aeration]. Biological Communications (4):123–129.

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Chirkova, T. V., and Zhukova, T. M. 1987. Ob osobennostyakh i roli glikoliza v ustoychivosti rasteniy k anaerobnomu vozdeystviyu [The peculiarities and role of glycolysis in plant resistance to anaerobiosis]. Biological Communications (4):61–68.

Chirkova, T. V., Barzhinkova, Z. I., and Hoang, K. L. 1980. Vliyanie etanola na sukhoy i syroy ves i rost korney prorostkov pshenitsy i risa v zavisimost’ ot obespecheniya ikh kislorodom [Effect of ethanol on dry and fresh weight and root growth of wheat and rice seedlings in relation to their oxygen supply]. Biological Communications (1):103–108.

Chirkova, T. V., Dragunova, E. V., and Burgova, M. P. 1977. Issledovanie in vivo redoks-reaktsiy flavoproteidov i piridinnukleotidov korney rasteniy, razlichayushchikhsya po ustoychivosti k nedostatku kisloroda [Redox reactions of flavoproteins and pyridine nucleotides from roots of plants different in their resistance to oxygen deficiency studied in vivo]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 24(1):126–131.

Chirkova, T. V., Hoang, K. L., and Blyudzin, Yu. A. 1981. Vliyanie usloviy anaerobioza na zhirnokislotnyy sostav fosfoliidov korney pshenitsy i risa [Effect of anaerobic conditions on fatty acid composition of wheat and rice root phospholipids]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 28(2):358–366.

Chirkova, T. V., Hoang, K. L., and Sinyutina, N. F. 1980. Vozdeystvie etanola na lipidnyy obmen korney prorostkov pshenitsy i risa v razlichnykh usloviyakh gazovogo rezhima [Ethanol effect on lipid metabolism in wheat and rice seedling roots under various gas conditions]. Fiziologiya i biokhimiya kul’turnykh rasteniy 12(1):24–28.

Chirkova, T. V., Karpenko, M. E., and Chernyaeva, E. V. 1992. Vliyanie anaerobioza na pogloshchenie ionov kornyami prorostkov pshenitsy i risa [The effect of anaerobiosis on the ion uptake by the roots of wheat and rice seedlings]. Biological Communications (4):73–78.

Chirkova, T. V., Khazova, I. V., and Astafurova, T. P. 1974. K voprosu o metabolicheskoy regulyatsii prisposobleniya rasteniy k usloviyam vremennogo anaerobioza [On metabolic regulation of plant adaptation to temporal anaerobiosis]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 21(1):102–107.

Chirkova, T. V., Nastinova, G. E., and Semenova, I. N. 1978. Puti detoksikatsii produktov anaerobnogo obmena v kornyakh rasteniy, razlichayushchikhsya po ustoychivosti k kislorodnomu defitsitu [Pathways of the anaerobic metabolism products detoxification in roots of plants differing in resistance to oxygen deficiency]. Fiziologiya i biokhimiya kul’turnykh rasteniy 10(5):469–475.

Chirkova, T. V., Nastinova, G. E., and Zhukova, T. M. 1978. Vliyanie ingibitorov sinteza belka na soderzhanie belka i aktivnost’ alkogol’- i laktatdegidrogenaz v kornyakh pshenitsy i risa v raznykh usloviyakh aeratsii [The effect of protein synthesis inhibitors on the protein content and the activity of alcohol and lactate dehydrogenases in wheat and rice roots under different aeration conditions]. Biological Communications (2):120–126.

Chirkova, T. V., Novitskaya, L. O., and Blokhina, O. B. 1998. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems under anoxia in plants differing in their tolerance to oxygen deficiency. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 45(1):55–62.

Chirkova, T. V., Sokolovskaya, E. L., and Khazova, I. V. 1973. Aktivnost’ i izofermentnyy sostav peroksidazy korney rasteniy v zavisimosti ot usloviy vremennogo anaerobioza [Effect of temporal anaerobiosis on the activity and isoenzyme composition of peroxidase in plant roots]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 20(6):1236–1241.

Chirkova, T. V., Surodeeva, E. K., and Semenova, L. L. 1986. Vliyanie anaerobioza na sostav negistonovykh belkov khromatina prorostkov pshenitsy i risa [Influence of anaerobiosis on the composition of non-histone proteins in wheat and rice seedling chromatin]. Fiziologiya Rasteniy [Soviet Plant Physiology] 33(5):979–986.

Chirkova, T. V., Zhukova, T. M., and Goncharova, N. N. 1991a. Osobennosti pronitsaemosti membran korney prorostkov pshenitsy i risa v usloviyakh anaerobioza [Peculiarities of membrane permeability of wheat and rice seedling roots under anaerobic condition]. Fiziologiya i biokhimiya kul’turnykh rasteniy 23(6):541–546.

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How to Cite

Chirkova, T., & Yemelyanov, V. (2018). The study of plant adaptation to oxygen deficiency in Saint Petersburg University. Biological Communications, 63(1), 17–31.



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