Zooplankton of raised bogs hollows in the central part of the Vologda Region


  • Vera Zaytseva Vologda Laboratory, State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries, 5, ul. Levicheva, Vologda, 160012, Russian Federation
  • Dmitriy Philippov I. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pos. Borok, Nekouzskiy p-n, Yarislavskaya obl., 152742, Russian Federation
  • Ekaterina Lobunicheva Vologda Laboratory, State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries, 5, ul. Levicheva, Vologda, 160012, Russian Federation




This article presents the study of zooplankton of raised bog hollows in the central part of the Vologda Region. In total, 36 species (14 — Rotatoria, 13 — Cladocera, 9 — Copepoda, listed in the article) were found in the Shichengskoe mire. The most taxa were registered in spring. Detritus consumers, second-order filterers, and predators predominated. Characteristic features of studied communities were as follows: domination of Rotatoria and Copepoda, mainly small-sized, and constant presence of meiobenthos. In autumn, total biomass increased due to auspicious thermal conditions. Mean values of zooplankton biomass and composition of the domination complex were stable during three years of study. Changes in zooplankton density were determined by interannual fluctuations of mire water level. Zooplankton communities of raised bog hollows of south and middle taiga vary in species composition and quantitative parameters, but are similar in ecological groups and seasonal dynamics. Refs 31. Figs 3. Tables 2.


zooplankton, hollow, Shichengskoe mire, Vologda Region


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How to Cite

Zaytseva, V., Philippov, D., & Lobunicheva, E. (2016). Zooplankton of raised bogs hollows in the central part of the Vologda Region. Biological Communications, (2), 4–17. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu03.2016.201



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