From past to future: suppressor mutations in yeast genes encoding translation termination factors


  • Nina Trubitsina Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Olga Zemlyanko Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab., 5, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Svetlana Moskalenko Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; Vavilov Institute of General Genetics Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg Branch, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Galina Zhouravleva Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; Laboratory of Amyloid Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Botanicheskaya Str., 17a, Peterhof, 198504, Russian Federation



The study of the SUP45 and SUP35 genes of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the laboratory of Physiological Genetics of St. Petersburg State University began in 1964 when the first omnipotent nonsense suppressor mutations were obtained. During the following 55 years, a lot of information about these genes has been gained through the research efforts of various laboratories. Now we know that SUP45 and SUP35 encode translation termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, respectively. Both genes are essential, and sup45 and sup35 mutations lead not only to impaired translation but also to multiple pleiotropic effects. The aim of this review is to summarize known data about suppressor mutations in SUP45 or SUP35 genes.


translation termination, suppression, SUP45, SUP35, eRF1, eRF3, nonsense mutations, missense mutations, [PSI ] prion, S. cerevisiae


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How to Cite

Trubitsina, N., Zemlyanko, O., Moskalenko, S., & Zhouravleva, G. (2019). From past to future: suppressor mutations in yeast genes encoding translation termination factors. Biological Communications, 64(2), 89–109.



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