Interallelic interactions genetic types in the inheritance of corolla colour in the safflower


  • Tatiana Leus Institute of oilseed crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 1, ul. Institutskaya, Solnechny village, Zaporozhie District, Zaporozhie Region, 70417, Ukraine



Safflower is a minor oilseed crop. It has red, orange, yellow and white flowers which colouring agents used to be natural colour source. Nowadays there is no agreement between researchers about inheritance of corolla colour in safflower. Our aim was to find out interactions character of genes in generating corolla colour. The experiments were held in 2009–2015 with 13 samples of IOC NAAS collection. 2 monohybrid, 11 dihybrid and 2 trihybrid crosses were analysed. It was shown the genes coding corolla colour of safflower form interactions such as: 1) genes O and R interact complementarily forming new sign of orange corolla colour with individual manifestation of each of them of yellow and red colour accordingly; 2) gene C forms dominant epistatic interactions with genes O and R with individual manifestation of yellow corolla colour; 3) gene Y forms recessive epistatic interactions with genes O, R and C without individual manifestation. Recessive homozygote in it makes white corolla colour. Refs 17. Tables 3.


dominant epistasis, recessive epistasis, complementation, gene interactions, corolla colour, safflower


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How to Cite

Leus, T. (2016). Interallelic interactions genetic types in the inheritance of corolla colour in the safflower. Biological Communications, (4), 108–116.



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