Platelet functional activity in rats under a prolonged regeme of regular exercise




Purpose — to find out the possibility of long-term regular exercise restrain the increase in age-platelet activity in rats. The study included 26 healthy male rats 6 months age, experience during the 1.5 years of daily exercise. Control presented 124 healthy males dye-contained in the standard terms. In the control rats with increasing age there is a gradual increase in functional activity of platelets. Regular daily exercise in rats between 6 and 24 months life were able to stabilize the functional activity of platelets, inhibiting its gain with age. Physical activity in rats provided throughout the observation time preserving low number of places on the surface of the platelet thrombin inductor strong fixation. This was accompanied by a small stable activity of phospholipase C, containment diacylglycerol synthesis and protein kinase C with an inactive fosfolirirovaniem contractile proteins platelet system. A small amount of inositol triphosphate provided with slowing revenue Ca2+ from the depot of blood platelets, helping to reduce the severity of the preservation of actomyosin in close to its original level. Thus physical exercise provide inhibition of platelet aggregation with adenosine diphosphate indicating the fibrinogen receptor on platelets fiziologizatsiyu expression and activity of phospholipase A2 in them, allowing segregation of optimal amounts of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids. Refs 14. Table 1.


platelet aggregation, ontogenesis, rats, physical activity


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How to Cite

Medvedev, I. (2016). Platelet functional activity in rats under a prolonged regeme of regular exercise. Biological Communications, (4), 99–107.



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