The dynamics of heart rate variability measures during mental load in different age groups


  • Anush Tumanyan L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, 22, ul. Br. Orbeli, Yerevan, 0028, Armenia
  • Narine Tadevosyan L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, 22, ul. Br. Orbeli, Yerevan, 0028, Armenia
  • Aleksandr Khachunts L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, 22, ul. Br. Orbeli, Yerevan, 0028, Armenia
  • Ira Tadevosyan L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, 22, ul. Br. Orbeli, Yerevan, 0028, Armenia



The features of heart rate variability before, during and after a brief mental load in three age groups (17–21, 22–35 and 36–60 years old) were studied. It is shown that for all groups during the mental load some tension of central regulatory mechanisms of heart is typical. The highest degree of tension is found in subjects from the III group (36–60 years old). In these subjects the recovery of regulatory systems up to the baseline took more time. These changes of regulatory systems that occur in older age group, most probably, are connected with a decrease of adaptive responses and some limitation of functional capabilities. Refs 16. Figs 2. Tables 2.


functional state, psychological status, heart rate variability, mental load, age groups


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How to Cite

Tumanyan, A., Tadevosyan, N., Khachunts, A., & Tadevosyan, I. (2015). The dynamics of heart rate variability measures during mental load in different age groups. Biological Communications, (3), 87–94.



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