New data about smut fungi of Nurata Range


  • Ilyor Mustafaev Institute of the Gene pool of plants and animals, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, 232B, Bogishamol str., Tashkent 100053, Uzbekistan



The article presents data about 14 species of smut fungi that occur in the Nurata ridge. During analyzes confinement them to host plants revealed that they parasitize on 16 species of vascular plants belonging to 5 families. On family Poaceae was observed 10 species of smut fungi that constitute 71.4 % of the total of smuts of Nurata. 14 species of smut fungi observed in seasonal distribution were studied. Among them 2 species (Vankya heufleri, Antracoidea eleocharidis) found in the spring, only 1 species (Ustilago cyno-dontis) in spring-autumn period. Also smut fungi first time found on host plants of Carex stenophylla, Tulipa turkestanica, Thalictrum sultanabadense, Stipa capillata and Stipa lipskyi in Uzbekistan. Refs 7. Figs 5. Tables 3.


Smut fungi, Ustilago, Urocystis, Tranzcheliella, Antracoidea, Tilletia, Sphacelotheca, Nurata ridge, epidermis, ovary, host plant


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How to Cite

Mustafaev, I. (2015). New data about smut fungi of Nurata Range. Biological Communications, (4), 51–57.



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