New naturally transgenic plants: 2020 update


  • Tatiana Matveeva Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer leads to crown gall or hairy roots disease, due to expression of transferred T-DNA genes. Spontaneous plant regeneration from the transformed tissues can produce natural transformants carrying cellular T-DNA (cT-DNA) sequences of agrobacterial origin. In 2019, based on genomic sequencing data, cT-DNA horizontally transferred from Agrobacterium were found in two dozen species of angiosperms. This made it possible to evaluate the spread of this phenomenon, as well as make some generalizations regarding the diversity of horizontally transferred genes. The presented research is a continuation of work in this field. It resulted in the description of new naturally occurring transgenic species Aeschynomene evenia C. Wright, Eperua falcata Aubl., Eucalyptus cloeziana F.Muell., Boswellia sacra Flueck., Kewa caespitosa (Friedrich) Christenh., Pharnaceum exiguum Adamson, Silene noctiflora L., Nyssa sinensis Oliv., Vaccinium corymbosum L., Populus alba L. × Populus glandulosa Moench. The previously identified patterns regarding the frequency of the occurrence of natural transformants and the general properties of the cT-DNAs were confirmed in this study.


cT-DNA, horizontal gene transfer, naturally-transgenic plants


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How to Cite

Matveeva, T. (2021). New naturally transgenic plants: 2020 update. Biological Communications, 66(1), 36–46.



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