Determination of age in threespined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus L.


  • Pavel Golovin Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Mikhail Ivanov Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana Ivanova Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Dmitry Lajus Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


A comparative literature review on methods of age reading in fishes, suggests that the technique based on study of growth rings on sagittal otoliths is the most promising for three-spined stickleback. This technique was used to study the variability of the White Sea stickleback age estimates by different operators. Similarity of age structure of the experimental sample obtained by four operators suggests that in order to correctly describe age structure of population, a preliminary training of operators is an obligatory component of analysis. For studies requiring precise determination of individual age, it is necessary to made several replicates of the analysis to reduce sampling error. Refs 23. Figs 11. Tables 4.


age, otolith, stickleback, method


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How to Cite

Golovin, P., Ivanov, M., Ivanova, T., & Lajus, D. (2015). Determination of age in threespined stickleback <em>Gasterosteus aculeatus</em> L. Biological Communications, (2), 47–60. Retrieved from



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